Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Monday, October 21, 2013

*PH* Homemade Laundry Detergent

 With a family of 6 we are all about being frugal. Making homemade laundry detergent is one of the ways we save tons of money. It cleans just as good or better than store bought products and it is cheaper. Here is my version of Homemade Laundry Soap

Pious Homemaking: Laundry Detergent Ingredients 

4c Washing Soda
4c Baking Soda
4c Borax
1 small container of oxyclean
2 bars of Fels Naptha {laundry aisle}; grated
1/2 bar of Zote {laundry aisle}; grated
1 large bucket 

I like to grate my bars of spa ahead of time. It makes the process go faster. :)

Just dump all ingredients in a large bucket and mix with your hands {my preferred method:)}. Using a spatula takes forever and gets tiring. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

DIY and Frugal Tip 1: Liquid Dish Soap

I hardly ever buy brand name household products. I find it much cheaper to make my own.  

Here is a DIY *PH* household cleaner.

Liquid Dishsoap

-1 ½ cup of hot water
-½ cup liquid castile soap 
-1 tablespoon of white vinegar
-1 tablespoon of Arm&Hammer’s Super Washing Soda
-1 tablespoon of shredded bar soap, such as homemade lye soap or any other kind would be fine
-1/8 teaspoon of tea tree oil or other natural oil (I usually add seasonal oils- like peppermint or pumpkin)

1. Combine all ingredients into a large bowl. Pour in 1 1/2 cup of very hot water. Whisk/stir this mixture until bar of soap is completely melted and all ingredients are blended.
2. Allow mixture to cool completely, stirring occasionally.
3. Store in any dish soap dispensing bottle and enjoy.