Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Homemade Granola!! Tweaked by Pious Homemaking

This recipe is a tweaked recipe from Shannon of Cooking God’s Way.

Homemade soaked granola is a much healthier and more nutritious choice over “healthy” boxed cereals. That’s because nearly all boxed cereals are created using an industrial food production process called extrusion. What many do not know is that extruded grains are toxic, particularly to the nervous system. Another bonus of making your own wholesome soaked granola is you can use it to make incredibly delicious homemade granola bars that are chock-full of real food nutrition.
Here is a 2 part recipe to make it easier.


6 cups organic GF Rolled Oats (use regular or thick-cut rolled oats, not quick-cook or steel-cut oats)
2 cups Wheat Germ
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/2 cup organic coconut oil, melted
1 can (14oz) *unsweetened canned coconut milk
2 cups water
4 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar

Pour melted butter and coconut  into a very large mixing bowl and add pure *coconut milk, water and vinegar; whisk to combine.
Add oats and wheat germ; thoroughly combine using a large wooden spoon or rubber spatula.
Cover the bowl and let sit 24-30 hours on the counter. 

(*Please note: Do not use coconut milk beverages, i.e. Silk or So Delicious brands as they contain potentially harmful additives. I recommend and use pure unsweetened canned coconut milk.)

2) After soaking time is completed. Soaked oats are ready for step two …

Yield: 10 cups (without add-ins)

3/4 cup pure honey 
3/4 cup organic pure maple syrup
1 tsp sea salt
1 ½ tbsp ground cinnamon
1 tbsp pure vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 200° F. Place honey, maple syrup, salt, cinnamon, and vanilla in a glass measuring cup. Use a small rubber spatula to blend together until well combined. Pour the honey mixture over the soaked oats and combine mixture. (Tip: I start working at the edges to pull the soaked granola forward and allow the honey mixture to seep down. Then I keep pressing the soaked oats down using the top of rubber spatula, while turning the oats.)

Spread the mixture out over two parchment paper-lined (12x17) or 1 larger baking sheet. Place baking sheets side-by-side in oven. If dividing them you need to  rotate them during bake time. 

Bake for 8 hours, turning the granola every two-hours. Then turn off oven and allow to sit in warm oven overnight until completely cooled. I usually start around 2. That way I can just turn off the oven and go to bed. 

Remove cooled granola from the oven and mix in any “add-ins” you’d like. Makes 10-cups of granola (without add-ins). You can store this in the pantry or freezer. 

All done! 

Our Three Favorite Flavor Combos:

• Tropical Delight Granola – Add the following to your baked granola: Crispy almond slices, chopped dried pineapple pieces, chopped dried mango pieces and shredded coconut.
• Apple Pie Granola – Add the following to your baked granola: Crispy almond slices, crispy chopped pecans, chopped dried apple pieces and raisins.
• Cranberry-Walnut Granola – Add the following to your baked granola: Crispy almond slices, crispy chopped walnuts and dried cranberries.
Add-In Ideas: (Choose any or all of the following to create your own delicious granola creations!)
• Your favorite unsweetened dried fruit, such as raisins, currants, cranberries, cherries, blueberries, apricots, apples, etc.
• Dried shredded coconut (or coconut flakes)
• Your favorite chopped *crispy nuts, such as almonds, pecans or walnuts
• Your favorite seeds, such as chia, flax, sunflower or pumpkin

Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday Musing: Conviction: Because of TV? What?!

 Today's Monday Musing is about the all powerful tube. The tube that sits in almost every household in our nation. The tube that can be found in bedrooms, kitchens, basement, bathrooms, garages, just about anywhere. The tube- or by our choice of words, TV. 

Now, I know not all tv is bad. There are some very good shows out there that I don't mind my family watching. However, even a good show or movie can have an inappropriate commercial. For instance, today we were watching an age appropriate movie with our children and almost every one of  the commercials were very inappropriate. I say this with extreme conviction and wonder. I was startled when I looked around and it was as if no one even gave thought of how inappropriate the actions were. So conviction hit me hard. I have failed my Lord. 

I took action and shut it off. There was some growls from the family! Total disappointment reigned on there faces. But, I felt I was losing my family to a black hole. I explained to them that the tv shows coming from this Network were unacceptable. That God would not be pleased having this type of activity radiate through our home. Our home was to lift him up. So yes, conviction staggered through my soul. I went through our DVR recordings and deleted every show/movie that was rated R and most that were PG13. Out went the foul language, crude humor, violent actions, sexual content (unmarried kissing or groping), anything ungodly got erased. 

I am starting new! Leaving tv on but monitoring with high restrictions and cautiousness. I know I let my Savior down by letting evil things in my home and have asked forgiveness and direction. We all need the Lord to show us what is appropriate for out wonderful families. 

*PH* Homemade Laundry Detergent

 With a family of 6 we are all about being frugal. Making homemade laundry detergent is one of the ways we save tons of money. It cleans just as good or better than store bought products and it is cheaper. Here is my version of Homemade Laundry Soap

Pious Homemaking: Laundry Detergent Ingredients 

4c Washing Soda
4c Baking Soda
4c Borax
1 small container of oxyclean
2 bars of Fels Naptha {laundry aisle}; grated
1/2 bar of Zote {laundry aisle}; grated
1 large bucket 

I like to grate my bars of spa ahead of time. It makes the process go faster. :)

Just dump all ingredients in a large bucket and mix with your hands {my preferred method:)}. Using a spatula takes forever and gets tiring. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

God's love is sometimes hard on us.

Today was a special day!! It is Sunday and I am able to worship my Lord without fear of persecution.

That being said, I have a confession to make. I think sometime we may forget all the freedoms we do have in this great nation. The freedom-To worship!! I know I have succeeded in this department, the forgetting part. 

There are times when I go about my day just doing. I personally get caught up in the days attire and lose track of what I have to be thankful for. Beginning 2
weeks ago, our second car blew up. Now we own one car with no tags or insurance. We can't get tags or insurance because my husband was laid off for 4 months and we are now just getting the car payed up- so all our money goes to that plus bills. This past week we have had my daughter step on a nail- looks infected, and 4 people in our family have a 24-48 hour flu. Not good. Then.. today, everything was going smooth. However, the last 15 minutes before church brought on extreme  stress.  I could not find anything, I mean NOTHING, my 9 month old could wear. No pants, no matching socks, no shirt, absolutely no shoes. You at least had to have a matching pair of shoes to go to church in, right?! On top of that 3 more children I tried to scurry to the car, {yes
a car for 6 people} I think they got the point, eventually.  Well, I prayed and prayed for God to make everything go smoother. At least for today. Eventually, I found my son an outfit, at the bottom of the CLEAN clothes pile, {they don't fold themselves or skip to the drawer and jump in neatly folded} put them on him, and off we went to church. We were 5 minutes late to church- but hey!!! We made it!! The rest of the day went smooth. With the exception
Of my husband- he not so good. My medical expertise says he has an ear infection or strep throat. But he's the kind that will not go to the hospital over a little pain and fever. Even if it means infecting others. :( But, bless him he puts our care and needs over his own. Anyways, point being, I have a God to worship. I God that loves us enough to fill our life with crazy moments like today and this 2 weeks to test us. It's like he's saying "Hey, I am right here. All you have to so is ask for help."  And when I did ask for help he came-
He gave us the opportunity to drive to our church revival and he let my family get well. Now, we are waiting on my husband to feel better and this newly gel formed earache of mine to heal. But God is there and he will help us through.. Faith is all we need. 

Here is a couple pictures of the kids in church today:) 

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Yes it is true!! My little one said his first word:) Momma!! One proud Mom!!!

Homemaker's Prayer and the things I am thankful for

I love this Homemakers Prayer- and it is so very true!

It caused me to wake up in a happy thankful spirit!

Because.. I have

~a husband to wake up to
~children to raise
~a church to worship in
~a family
~a nice comfortable waterbed to sleep in 
~an awesome HOT shower to enjoy 
~body wash, shaving cream, razor, shampoo, and conditioner, to use
~makeup to put on
~hair products to use
~clean clothes to put on
~food to prepare and eat
~a house to tidy
~dishes to wash 
~a floor to sweep, vacuum, or mop
~windows to look out of and admire Gods creation

I have been blessed! 

Friday, October 18, 2013

DIY and Frugal Tip 1: Liquid Dish Soap

I hardly ever buy brand name household products. I find it much cheaper to make my own.  

Here is a DIY *PH* household cleaner.

Liquid Dishsoap

-1 ½ cup of hot water
-½ cup liquid castile soap 
-1 tablespoon of white vinegar
-1 tablespoon of Arm&Hammer’s Super Washing Soda
-1 tablespoon of shredded bar soap, such as homemade lye soap or any other kind would be fine
-1/8 teaspoon of tea tree oil or other natural oil (I usually add seasonal oils- like peppermint or pumpkin)

1. Combine all ingredients into a large bowl. Pour in 1 1/2 cup of very hot water. Whisk/stir this mixture until bar of soap is completely melted and all ingredients are blended.
2. Allow mixture to cool completely, stirring occasionally.
3. Store in any dish soap dispensing bottle and enjoy.