Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Time for Change- Oatmeal Sundae Change

Time for Change- An Oatmeal Sundae Change!

Oatmeal Sundaes Yummy! 

Doesn't anything with the ending Sundae sound delicious. I think so, and so do my kiddos. Therefore, we are going to break out of our regular oatmeal with brown sugar, butter, and milk ...and... hit a  healthier choice. 

How to- 

1- Overnight, soak Oats in a pot covered in water and a Tbs. Apple Cider Vinegar. 

Why Soak Your Grains?
Culturing (soaking oats) helps to breakdown the antinutrients and hard-to-digest components of grain. It also helps release highly beneficial nutrients. The result, a highly nutritious and easy-to-digest food with an awesome robust flavor.

2-  When morning comes drain the water, put in fresh water, and cook as usual.

3- Now put a scoop in your bowl and take it from there. 

You can add raisins, almonds, walnuts, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, anything (Healthy) you can think of. 

4- Enjoy! 

Now how easy was that!! What are you waiting for? 

Do you have a favorite Oatmeal meal?
How about Oatmeal add-ins?


First off, hello to everyone!! I'm Andrea,

 I'm a Christian, a child of the one true King. I am also, the wife to Stacy and Mother to Ethan, Reese Katelyn, and baby Liam-Ezelle. 

My belief, as a woman.

To be obedient to the Word of God by being a helpmeet to my husband and a keeper of our home. 

About *Pious Homemaking*.

As Titus 2:5 says. A woman should " discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." How better can a description of a woman's responsibility get?

My desire for my readers-

In my days I have learned that no homemaker is perfect, even me. However, all homemakers have qualities that they do especially well. It just takes time, patience and praying to find those special traits we all have. So the purpose of this blog is to encourage all women to walk with The Lord, find their special trait and learn how to take care of their home and family.
I look forward to helping others and learning some good tips along the way. 

My desire for my family.   

My only desire is to make sure that my family is well cared for and spirit-filled. To honor God through my relationship with my husband and children. To honor him through my parenting, cooking, cleaning, creating, gardening, and well, life in general.